Hurry up and wait…

Back in the treestand tonight. Day 2 of archery season has been hotter than day 1. I’m here more for the experience than the harvest tonight. Another climbing stand experience in the books. The verdict is, I don’t love it. Given my current situation, it was the only option so I will use it for now and it is better than roasting in a blind.

I put out a camera yesterday. Grabbed the SD card on my way in. Popped it in my card viewer once I got in the stand. 1 doe. At 2:30 am. Why am I sweating all over myself for a doe that I’m definitely not gonna shoot in this heat? I could be at home, curled up on the couch in a blanket watching pointless television. I could be working on domestic duties or that lawn work that is waiting for me. Or I could sit right here, 20 feet off the ground, and wait for some big ole whitetail monster to step out for me. And I am already here, so….

The wind is carrying in the evening. Grey, cloudy skies have been replaced with blues and whites carefully hand painted by someone far more talented than I am. Down the road, a man is using a chainsaw….

Insert treestand nap here.

Stupid lil honey bee interrupted a perfectly good “I got here early enough” nap. As important as bees are, I contemplated murdering him.

The wind is shifting now meaning evening is steadily moving in. The air is cooling , which means just a touch below what hell feels like. I’d hoped some rain would cool the evening and provoke deer movement. So far…just squirrels, honeybees and chainsaw massacre happening down the road.

I seriously love deer hunting. Compared to some, nope. I’m not comparing myself. I don’t have the same means as others. But by golly, I’ve got the passion. The heart. The primal drive that pushes me to do the things some folks think is crazy…and I just can’t get enough.