Prior to this weekend I have never been hunting. I went all in on my first hunt. I along with 10 other women in Alabama for a hog hunt with dogs and knives. I really didn’t know what to expect. I had researched this type of hunt from multiple angles, and realized how devastating wild hogs are to land, animals, an entire ecosystems. I was ready and prepared not just physically but mentally too. The hunt came and went. It was one of the best experiences of my life. I had a blast and was feeling completely blessed.
Upon my return home however I was not ready for any type of backlash. Being tagged in photos on social media had offended a few people I am friends with. Being tired and completely wore down from my first hunting trip I had a very emotional response.
I try very hard to be a good person. I never want to hurt or offend anyone. I wasn’t prepared to explain conservation and all that goes with that to those that were/are offended. I personally felt I didn’t need to. People that are offended by havesting photos are not going to agree even if I take the time to explain it to them. So I chose to reach out to my Wildlife women family for a little support.
These women have all experienced some form of negativity at some point in their lives regarding their outdoor lifestyles. I was shocked although I’m not entirely sure why. I had never thought much about it mostly because it never bothered me nor until today affected me. After multiple messages and support from my Wildlife women family I began to feel much better about everything.
Alexandra Logan Ballard said it best “be a duck, and just let it roll off your back.”